Shockwave Therapy

We have recently invested in a Shockwave Machine, or more accurately known as a Radial Pressure Wave (RPW) machine.RPW can be used to stimulate the body’s natural healing process, with positive effects demonstrated on bone and tendon repair and tissue regeneration.

Shock Wave therapies are pro-inflammatory modalities that can be used to “reboot” the healing process in chronic conditions.  We are achieving fantastic results in treating heel pain (both Achilles & Plantar Fascia), as well as calf and hamstring muscle-related injuries, using Radial Pressure Wave Therapy.

RPW Therapy is not a “stand-alone” treatment, for the best results a range of additional treatment modalities, such as strength and conditioning, load management, orthotic therapy, and or return to activity programs are employed to have you return to your regular activities and pain-free as soon as possible.

If you are interested in Shockwave Therapy, please make an appointment and we can assess your condition to ensure that t is the most suitable treatment option for you.

General Foot Care

A full range of general foot care options are available, from nail cutting, corn and callous removal, wound care and minor skin and nail infections.

Heel Pain

Are those first few steps unbearable? Do you then feel better after a couple of minutes only to become painful again each time you stand after resting? Is your pain stopping you from enjoying your usual activities?

If you have answered yes to any of the above questions you may be suffering from plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of adult foot pain. In addition to Plantar Fasciitis there are also a range of other causes of significant heel pain which can be treated.

Nail Surgery

Nail surgery is a procedure carried out to remove part, or all of a nail. Problem nails that are commonly treated are, infected ingrown toenails and curved or distorted/thickened nails which are causing pain. Nail surgery is the removal of part, or all, of the nail and often cures the problem. The procedure can be a permanent removal of the nail, although there is a small risk of regrowth. This procedure is known as ‘Phenol Matriectomy’ and has a success rate of 95% or higher, in preventing regrowth of the nail.

Biomechanical Assessments

Biomechanical assessments involve a range of tests which include weight bearing and non-weight bearing activities designed to identify possible causes of your foot and lower limb pain. Typically the assessment would include a video gait analysis, passive & resisted muscle testing, skeletal alignment and joint ranges of motion assessment. The information gained from this assessment forms basis of your treatment/ rehabilitation program. When attending for a biomechanical assessment it is important that you wear suitable clothing (shorts & t shirt) and that you also bring your sports shoes as well as any other footwear which causes you problems.

Sports Injuries

Sports related injuries of the foot and lower limb can mostly be categorised into trauma or over-use related onset, with the vast majority of those injuries tend to fall into the category of over-use. Typically over-use type injuries are caused by either, poor technique, incorrect footwear and/ or over- training.

Sunnybank Hills Podiatry, will assess your biomechanical function, examine your footwear and discuss your training habits to gain a full understanding of the contributing factors to your sports related injuries. Once those contributing factors are identified a treatment program will be formulated to have you back to training as soon as practical.

Diabetes Foot Care

The unfortunate fact is that people with diabetes have the highest rate of lower limb amputation amongst the general population. Two of the main problems associated with foot complications and diabetes are, nerve damage (or a loss of feeling) as well as reduced circulation (or a loss of blood flow) to the feet.

The foot has many tiny nerves surrounding it, these, over time may become damaged due to diabetes, resulting in a loss of feeling. The foot is also well supplied by many small blood vessels. These may become blocked as another complication of diabetes. If this occurs the blood providing nutrients to the feet will be greatly reduced and this may result in poor or slow healing and increase infections of the skin.

Imagine a situation where a small splinter or stone became lodged in your shoe, due to poor sensation you can no longer feel the stone which creates a sore. This sore will not heal quickly or easily due to poor circulation and also may become easily infected. Unfortunately this is not a rare occurrence, for this reason it is highly recommended by GP’s, endocrinologists, diabetic nurses, diabetes centre and even the world health organisation recommended you visit a podiatrist to have your feet checked every 6 months.

To avoid diabetes related foot complications your Podiatrist can advise you on some simple tasks to reduce your risk of complications.

Orthotic Therapy

Orthotic therapy describes the prescription of an in shoe device to provide pain relief and ongoing support at allow for realignment of feet, knees, hips and spine, thereby providing relief for a range of musculoskeletal problems not limited to the feet. In most cases orthotics can prevent disability and further deformity of the foot caused by incorrect biomechanics.

Sunnybank Hills Podiatry offer a range of orthotic options from hand crafted custom made devices to modified pre-fabricated devices.