• Why You Should Rotate Your Running Shoes!

    At Sunnybank Hills Podiatry I have been recommending for my patients to have a couple of different pairs of running shoes on the go at any one time to avoid injuries. So why should you be rotating your shoes regularly? Basically, running is a very repetitive activity, we constantly place loading on the same structures

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  • When do I need to replace my running shoes?

    At Sunnybank Hills Podiatry, this is one of the most common questions I get when talking to runners. There are a couple of obvious signs that your running shoes need replacing if the uppers or linings of your shoe have holes in them. Despite the strikingly obvious, there are also some other more subtle indicators.

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  • Welcome to Sunnybank HIlls Podiatry

    Welcome to Sunnybank Hills Podiatry, Craig gives a brief history of the practice and discusses his core value of providing Professional & Personalised service. Craig also explains his long history in running related sports and his approach to treating running related injuries.

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  • Treating Forefoot Pain

    Do you have a sore forefoot? Foot pain can be very frustrating, especially when you are reminded of it every time that you stand or move. The good news is that at Sunnybank Hills Podiatry, we love to get you back on feet and pain-free as soon as possible. There can be many reasons for

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